Every business comes to a point where they must decide what to do about their software. Even though their current software might be decent, it might be the time to upgrade it.

You might be thinking of hiring your own in-house development team, but there’s also the option to outsource your software development to a professional development agency. There are lots of questions that arise when deciding to outsource the software development, but there are also a lot of expectations. However, these expectations aren’t always reality and there can be quite the difference.

Here’s a quick look at the expectations versus the reality of outsourcing software.

Software Expectations vs Reality

It’s important to know what to really expect when outsourcing a software project. You can then get a better idea of what you should look for when choosing a development company and what your software development company will require from you.

Defining the Project

A startup business will often come to a software development company with an idea, enthusiasm, and money to bring their software to life. Often, businesses will have the impression that the professional developers will perfectly bring their idea to life in a quick, organized manner. This is a common expectation.

In reality though, the software development company might have a different approach. Because a business may just be beginning, it’s possible they don’t have their idea as well defined or they might fail to keep a long term view. The software development company will often look at the software’s future and see what enhancements may be necessary later on, how the market will accept it, and be flexible enough to address all the changing requirements.

Quick Development

Hiring an in-house development team for your software can delay the release with complications and not enough developers on hand. When outsourcing, software developers typically meets set dates more efficiently and has fewer delays.

In reality though, a startup might have a lot of changing demands, causing it to be difficult to adhere to a strict deadline. This is where a disorganized and inexperienced software developer can cause issues if they can’t keep up with the startup.

To prevent an issue like this, be sure to outsource your software development to an experienced and organized software company like Ecodelogic. We understand your business needs and even the challenging startup terrain. Hence, we are always sensitive to your needs and able to be flexible to help your software development stay on track.

User Focused Software

Many companies imagine their software to provide fantastic user experience that is easy to navigate and meet all required functions. That might be the starting dream and goal at first.

As time progresses and more tasks arise, companies often start to drift further away from their starting goal. They end up focusing more on features (as if they’re merely ticking off a checklist), instead of focusing on the user.

A good software developer, however, will have the experience necessary to bring a good balance to the project. They will be able to visualize and create software that meets both the startup’s requirements and the users’ expectations. Developers with experience will know the best ways for a company’s software to cater to customers and can give advice on how to create their software.

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In Summary

As a company that’s facing the decision to outsource or hire an in-house development team, you do have many things to consider. You have to keep in mind your business goals while also thinking about what’s best for your customers. While hiring an in-house team may seem more cost efficient, it can lead to long delays and problems that a small team can’t always fix.

Professional software development companies can cost more upfront, but you will generally save more on expensive problems in the future. If software isn’t built to last, it might cost more later for software developments and enhancements in the future when your business grows.

It’s normal for companies outsourcing to a software developing agency to experience a gap between their expectations and the reality. Thankfully, there are some things that can be done to ease this divide. Ecodelogic is one of the best software companies in Orlando and we are reliable, experienced developers with your interests at heart. Contact us today to enjoy a smoother software development journey as we serve you with our best knowledge and skills.